South Pacific

Adapted from:
Temporal variability in the Holocene marine radiocarbon reservoir effect for the Tropical and South Pacific
Quan Hua, Sean Ulm, Kefu Yu, Tara R. Clark, Luke D. Nothdurft, Nicole D. Leonard, John M. Pandolfi, Geraldine E. Jacobsen, Jian-xin Zhao
Quaternary Science Reviews 249 (2020) 106613
DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106613

Dark blue areas represent major upwelling regions.
NEC:North Equatorial Current
KC:Kuroshio Current
MC:Mindanao Current
ITF:Indonesian Throughflow
EUC:Equatorial Undercurrent
NGCUC:New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent
SEC:South Equatorial Current
GPC:Gulf of Papua Current
EAC:EastAustralian Current
EAC ext.:EAC extension
TF:Tasman Front
TO:Tasman Outflow
ACC:Antarctic Circumpolar Current
HC:Humboldt Current
PUC:Peruvian UnderCurrent
SF:Salinity Front.